How To Add Reseller Credit
In order to ensure instant domain approval and automatic product setup through your Storefront or API, your Reseller Account Balance must stay positive. We recommend keeping a balance of $500 USD to ensure a streamlined process.
We offer multiple payment options, Single or Automatic Payment, which will top up your Reseller Account when it falls below a certain threshold. You can switch between these options at any time.
Here is how you can add Reseller credit to your account:
- Using your chosen browser, navigate to the following address:
- Enter your Reseller Account username and password and click Log In.
- At the upper right hand of the page, click DEPOSIT, beside WITHDRAWAL. The same option is also found under the Finances tab.
- On the DEPOSIT PREPAYMENT page, click on the DEPOSIT tab to proceed with adding Reseller credit.
- Click on the HISTORY tab if you wish to view your previous transactions.
- Under Type, choose between Single Payment and Automatic Payment.
- Select Single Payment to manually add Reseller credit for a single transaction.
- Select Automatic Payment to always stay in credit when your balance falls below a certain threshold. Set the threshold in the box beside When below. If you set the threshold to 500, the system will automatically add Reseller credit to your account once the credit balance falls below $500.
- Under Deposit Amount, set an amount in the box provided below or click the button with the desired amount.
- Under Payment, choose a payment option. For Single Payment, you can choose between Credit Cards or Paypal. For Automatic Payment, you can only use the Credit Cards option.
- Once done, click Submit Request.
Congratulations! You just successfully added credit to your Reseller Account.
Note: For faster future transactions, click on the MANAGE SAVED CARDS link at the right-hand section below Current Balance. Here you can save your Credit Card details for quicker processing. The details can also be deleted or updated at any time.